Friday, August 6, 2010

my first post

As I sit in front of my keyboard wondering how to start... wondering what to write about, it strikes me that I don’t really have to write about something that will interest someone else. After all, it’s my blog. So, here goes.
Have just got my first assess marks today. I have scored miserably. Such things leave me wondering about the so-called power of hard work, about whether this means that I am capable of only scoring so much. Makes me think about whether I judge myself too harshly. After all, isn’t the whole purpose of education to learn something well and to enjoy the process?
It is worth mentioning here that my parents are fully supportive, they haven’t really scolded me for scoring low since about 7th standard or so. It is my own thoughts which keep torturing me, alternately inducing self-pity, anger, disappointment and sorrow. What did I do wrong? I completed my homework on time, reviewed my lessons every day, what more and what not. Hmmmm... Things always happen for the best. Maybe this is supposed to be an eye-opener. Maybe this is supposed to make me analyse my strengths and weaknesses and do better in the future.
Let’s see. Meanwhile, I think about the so many other blessings that god has bestowed on me. A caring, affectionate family, the best friends anyone could get, a seat in a good college in a course which I enjoy studying. (Let’s forget about the marks for now, shall we?!). Having started my own blog finally and having written about what has been bugging for quite a few hours now has made me feel better. Ah, now going to enjoy this weekend. Signing off for now. :)